
What Happens If You Double The Fruit In A Dump Cake

Condolement food at its canned and processed finest. Now, don't scoff! It'southward totally piece of cake, yummy, and the kids all dearest it.

Please don't hate me. Because I'm here to tell you i thing: there is nothing—nix—skilful well-nigh this dessert. Information technology's loaded with saccharide. It'southward packed with fatty. And its ingredients are so prosaic and processed…I don't even know what to say. But approximate what? I made this delightful dessert, and I can't undo the by. The reason I have this cooking site in the first place is to share with all of y'all the things that brand their way to my table. So am I ashamed of this dish? Yep. Exercise I understand why some of y'all volition scoff and turn upward your nose? Sure. Did information technology gustation good? Oh yeah, baby. It shore equally shootin' did!

Hither'southward how to brand this archetype potluck dessert table treat.

dump cake recipe

The Pioneer Woman

The Cast of Characters: Cherry Pie Filling, Crushed Pineapple, Yellow (or white) cake mix, Margarine, and Butter.

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DUMP 1 can of crimson pie filling into a baking dish. (I used 9 x xiii)

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Now, seriously, who knew cherry pie filling was then pretty? Just look at it! What a lovely shade of red.

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Next, DUMP (are we seeing a pattern here?) 1 tin can of crushed pineapple into the dish.

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Seriously, with colors this pretty, how bad can it exist?

Note: I recall all different combinations of fruit would work just fine. Hey, how 'bout pullin' a Steel Magnolias and using fruit cocktail? Just a suggestion. Don't tell anyone I said that.

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Now stir the mixture together…

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And while y'all're stirring…

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Recollect about the extra four miles y'all'll need to walk this evening every bit a upshot of eating this dessert. Information technology'll be a squeamish walk. You lot can have your Ipod.

Trivia: I practice not own an Ipod. I've never used an Ipod in my life. Here endeth my embarrassing confession.

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In one case it's all combined…

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Open the pocketbook of cake mix (I used white, only I think xanthous's better) and begin sprinkling the dry mix over the tiptop.

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And I don't know who originally decided to malign this fine invention, but I like to eat clumps of it sometimes.

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Because I Want TO, that's why! That's pretty much my motto when it comes to eating: I saw information technology, I wanted it, and so I ate it.

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Just smooth out (or swallow, if you're me) the large clumps.

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Weird, isn't it? But just wait. We're but gettin' warmed upwardly.

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So, and this is when things kickoff really going downhill, cut up 1 whole stick of margarine and lay the pieces all over the top of the cake mix. Then, to cease up the carnage, grab a stick of butter…

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And cutting up half a stick, distributing it evenly.

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Hey, I could've used a WHOLE stick. I'grand all about restraint here at The Pioneer Woman Cooks.

Now popular it in the oven and broil at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 60 minutes, or until top is bubbly.

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Mmmm. Hey, if I didn't know any amend, I'd remember this was some kind of fruit crisp. Or cobbler. Certainly non a couple of cans of fruit with a mixture of cake mix and butter on tiptop. Interesting how the fruit on the bottom combines with the butter on top to give the dry out cake mix all the moisture it needs. And the top is so overnice and low-cal and crispy and…potlucky.

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To serve, just stick a spoon right in…

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And put it into a pretty bowl. Because pretty bowls cover a multitude of processed ingredients.

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And yeah, a little actress won't injure. It'southward a fruit dessert, remember.

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And just to elevate things a little, I whip some foam and plop some on pinnacle. It'southward important for me to get my daily allowance of dairy.

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Yum. Condolement food at its canned & processed finest. At present, don't scoff! Information technology's totally easy, yummy, and the kids all love information technology.

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And that's the reason I make this dessert: for the children . Because I believe the children are our future.

Just saving the world…one can of crushed pineapple at a time,
Pioneer Adult female


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